Upcoming on The Navy Christian

Now that we've arrived in Great Lakes, where I will be a Navy electronics instructor for the next three years, I am going to bring my PCS series to a close after a few more posts. In the near future, I'm going to start a series on 7 Things, and 7 Reasons. The 7 Things are already up on the main page and 7 Reasons is coming. Here is a very short overview:

7 Things:
This series will begin to show you how to reach the military community. It is particularly useful for churches as they play to reach out to local military bases and military housing communities, but it doesn't really matter in the end. You can live in a small town in Wyoming and still use these ideas to reach the military.

7 Reasons:
It could be that you don't know why you should reach out specifically to the military. Why treat them like any other group? Well, in short, because we are a different group. The military has it's own culture and several sub-cultures that you'll need to be aware of in order to reach out effectively. And there are reasons to do so, like how it will expand your church's influence, create missionaries, and bring young families into your church.

So join in the outreach and ministry as I move forward in focusing on military ministry! If you are curious about any of the 7 Things that are on the blog right now, please ask!

1 comment:

Mark n Misti said...

Looks like it will be a great series, I will be waiting to read it!
