Thoughts on Libya

With all of the sadness and destruction in Japan, and my heart being so poured out over it, I haven't had time to really think about Libya. Oh, and I'm a husband, a dad, a grad student, and an instructor...not much time for anything. Those are excuses for not writing, I know...but it's life.

So what do I think about Libya? Well, first of all, I used to dream about being at war with Tripoli as a boy. It was one of those countries that I just knew I would be a hero against. Maybe that was why I was practically beside myself when we started shooting.

I remember vividly when we went to war with Iraq. Again, I was on shore duty (Thank you Jesus for protecting me!). I watched as an old Gunny, who was a Marine classifier, stared in disbelief and anger at the TV as it showed videos of our tanks moving across the border into Iraq. He was very upset. And it was all because he wanted to be there. He was a was only right.

I don't know if I'm a warrior, but I am a sailor, and a true sailor will always be drawn to the sea, to do things that sailors do. When I heard that ships were firing missiles at Libya, I felt sadness and frustration. I've missed yet another shooting match. I've never been on a ship firing in anger. I've escorted carriers which launched planes against foreign powers, and I've spent time off of East Timor and Korea...but never have I been in a shooting match.

I'm not saying that I want to lose my life in some sort of martyr's battle. I'm just saying that I wish I had been over there for the fight. Can any of you old salts understand?