MPW#4 Pray for Boldness

Ephesians 6:19
Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel,

If you think that your loved-one is kept quieted by the military, then you have misunderstood. Yes, there are rules to obey when it comes to sharing our faith, maybe particularly in the military. However, to think that one cannot share his or her faith is a mistaken opinion. I have led a handful of sailors to Christ and shared Jesus with others that didn’t accept him. It is definitely possible…but not without being bold.

Granted, we don’t want to smother people with Christ. He draws people to himself in a variety of ways. However, without your loved-one being bold when the Holy Spirit gives the go-ahead, that person might not see Christ. It is vital, therefore, to pray for boldness on the part of your service member.

God, please lead my loved-one as he/she goes about the day. If there is someone you want them to meet and lead to Jesus, please help him/her to be bold! Let my service member see how vital it is to share the saving blood with others! I pray for opportunities also, that they would come to my loved-one, and that he/she would respond as you move—Amen.

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