Supporting Military Spouses

I know that many of my readers support the military. In fact, many of you come to this blog specifically because you do. Yet one group that almost always gets left on the sidelines in any military discussion is the military family. Now, I'm not taking away anything from the military man and woman who fight on the front lines, deploy overseas, spend 6 months under the surface of the water, etc. Believe me, I'm fully aware of how hard out job is.

Yet I'm glad to see something about the military spouse. CBN, a group I don't normally get my information from, treated this subject very tenderly and respectfully. I love the idea of a reverse care package that is sent to the military spouse instead of the deployed service member (please continue sending those out to deployed service members as well!) and the military night out that counts for spouses of deployed military as well. I know that one of my wife's greatest treasures while I was deployed was a chance to get away without the kids for a while. I think these two ideas are great, and I'm sure there are more ideas as well out there.

So how about it? What ideas do you have? Military Spouses...what would you like to have? What kind of support do you need?

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