Don't Ask Don't Tell Repeal Update

It's been two weeks since Don't Ask Don't Tell was repealed officially in the Navy. It was billed amongst those preparing me to become a Chief Petty Officer as being one of the pivotal issues I'd have to deal with immediately upon assuming the rank of CPO. Christians, from Chaplains to evangelicals who had never served, put up a solid fight.

Where are they now? And what about those who told me I'd be dealing with this immediately upon joining the CPO Mess?

I just want to point out that everything seems to be clicking along just fine. It would appear as though there is no massive attack of the homosexual left on anyone's values. I won't go so far as to say that all things are well and that nothing is wrong, because homosexuality is still a sin. However, as a Sailor, I'm finding that a lot of the arguments used against repealing DADT simply haven't happened.

For more on my thoughts on DADT, click this link:  My Take on Homosexuals in the Military

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