Living in Light of the Coming Rapture

It's official! Living in Light of the Coming Rapture is going live! It will hit the book shelves (, that is) at the end of March or early April. I expect it to be available on Kindle at the same time. Within the next several months, it will be available at Barnes and Noble, Kobi (for Sony Readers) and iBooks.

I've sent the book out to a few folks for review. If you're interested in reading about the rapture, both from a technical perspective and for practical understanding, please let me know and I'll send you a sample (I just ask that you submit a review to Amazon if you don't mind!).

More updates to follow. I'm very excited about the opportunity!

Taking the Rapture Live

I've been struggling for awhile about publishing my work on the rapture and living by it. I grew up with the idea that the rapture could happen at any time, and I still believe it could. For some reason though, I'm afraid to release my writing into the world. The world, at least the Christian world, is more hostile to the idea of the rapture than it was when I was a kid, or maybe I just never understood the church world outside of Kansas. Anyway, I've been sitting on my research for a very long time.

My work toward writing about the rapture started on this blog back in November of 2010. Since then I've periodically experimented my ideas on this blog, in Bible studies, in seminary classes, and in general discussion. I have read plenty of books, both supporting my views and discrediting them.

I guess that I'm just afraid that the work will be rejected. It's irrational to say the least. A large proponent of American Christianity strongly believes in the rapture, and dispensationalism on top of that. I just know some will judge. It bothers me.

Still, I think my writing is sound. I've researched the topic, looked at the counterpoints, and I've rewritten my research several times. It's time to set it free and see what happens.

Stand by. Details of the release date will be forthcoming.