The way to Revival in America

I believe that a revival could come to America through a revival in the military. Now, there is a risk in this statement. A revival may never come to America. Am I then a fool? A revival may come to America, but not through a military revival. Am I then misunderstood?

The fact is that I want a revival in the military so badly that I'm willing to pray for it until it happens. I want a revival in America so badly that I will do the same, and regardless of how it happens, I will be just as glad.

Humanly speaking, there is a risk in stating that a revival in the military will result in a revival for America. I could look silly if what I think would happen doesn't come true. Everything we do for God has some risk. Think about it...when you talk to someone about your faith, you're risking rejection and the loss of a friend or turning an acquaintance away. Yet we know that Jesus gave us an order to tell the world about him. So we take this risk.

I'm doing nothing different by calling for a week of prayer for the military (which I hope will result in 30 days of prayer after that). I hope that if not this year, then next year, or the year after, a revival will happen. And if it doesn't, then I've taken my risk for God, and so have you, if you join me in this endeavor.

Of course, there is also the work of the Gospel, which I'm not denying. A literal army of Christian troops on the ground will be needed to spread the message of hope and of Christ crucified in order to make this revival happen. I'm not so bold as to think this can work without actually opening my mouth and preaching the good news.

I've done this sort of work before. I've been a part of groups of Christians involved at various commands in my past. I was nearly reckless with my faith back in the late '90s on the USS Mobile Bay, challenging almost anyone to cross my path, including Satan. We had a great prayer group that prayed hard about our ship. But this is the key...we prayed. We prayed hard back then, especially my prayer partner and I. And that prayer led to a revival on the ship. So we pray hard for our ships, shore stations, Army bases, Air Force bases, Marine camps, and Coast Guard Stations.

May revival come...

Military Prayer Update: 4 Months and counting!

We are less than four months from the 2015 edition of Military Prayer Week! I'm very excited! Here's a quick update on the three goals for this year (from this post):

1.  30 Day of Prayer for the Military: The draft is finished and editing will start very soon. Tentative release date is 01 October so that we can get it into as many hands as possible before Military Prayer Week. It will be very affordable (somewhere around three dollars on Kindle, iBooks, etc) and includes several chapters in addition to the prayers themselves. The chapters will cover a short instruction on effective prayer, an overview of the month ahead, and what to do once the dedicated time of prayer is over. I will post several samples from the book as we get closer.

2.  Now that the initial draft of the book is done, and I can confidently move forward on marketing the MPW, I'll be reaching out to churches in support of a November 8 start. Most likely, my search will focus on Jacksonville as that is where I currently live, but if you're interested in bringing Military Prayer Week to your church or small group, let me know! Email me at

3.  The theme this year is Spiritual Development, and I'm pleased to announce that all seven days of the event have one prayer dedicated to the theme.

So overall, this year's goals are progressing very well. Significant progress has been made on goal 1 and goal 3 is complete. Hopefully I will be able to report some great information on goal 2 soon.

I believe I will be able to offer a preorder of the book around September so that you can get your copy as soon as it's available. I'll update that as we get closer as well.

Thank you, as always, for your support and encouragement. This is going to be the best year yet for Military Prayer Week.