We Need More Political Options

America needs more independent political options, and it's time that Congress and the White House make efforts to fix the problem. We already know the major issues regarding health care, the economy, taxes, abortion rights, and foreign policy. There is a growing number of independents, like myself, who are being courted by the right and left, but herein lies the problem. There is no third party for us.

Take foreign policy for example. Take also the two men vying for the 10th District in Illinois, wherein I live. The incumbent, a Republican, is Congressman Robert Dold. I met him while watching a parade in Libertyville. He is challenged by Democrat Robert McKenzie. I met some of his volunteer staff in Lake Forest. I probably don't need to tell you that Congressman Dold wants to challenge countries like Iran, protect Israel, and hold North Korea accountable. McKenzie believes that foreign policy can best work through economic policy. I don't mean to be too cynical, but seriously...bet you saw that coming didn't you? The point here is that there are no original thoughts. Every one of their issues is the same thing you get from any other party-line official.

That's why we need a new party, or several of them. Let alone the issue of Christians needing someone to actually represent them and still anyone can see the need for additional parties, or at least a general support for independent candidates. We'll deal with what a Christian could really use in later posts, but let's face it, the Republicans and Democrats are just flat out diametrically opposed to one another.

Did you hear that America? It's time for more options.

Running for President

My boss, Mr. Barrack Obama, is lucky I'm still in the Navy. Otherwise, I'd run on the Republican ticket against him. I stand about as much chance as the current 9 pretenders who are running. Of course, that chance is nearly zero, but still, I stand as much of a chance as they do. Only Mitt Romney is raising any major cash, and that presents a major problem for Christians trying to decide who to vote for.

Or at least it should. For those wanting to make sure Christian principles and values are in the White House, Mitt Romney poses a big problem: He's Mormon. So is another big candidate: Jon Huntsman. Christians, brothers and sisters, this is not Christian values. I shouldn't have to say that, but I do, because even Liberty University messed it up by having Glen Beck speak on campus, and sending a group to his rally in D.C. Let me make this plain, Christians: If you want to have a Christian in the White House, you cannot vote for Mitt Romney or Jon Huntsman. Sadly, Romney may be the best shot at beating Obama.

All that to say, I might as well run for President for all the chance this field has.

Can Christians Accept a Mormon President?

I've sworn off politics more times than I can count, but lets face it: I'm an American and I love politics like I love good train-wreck video footage. So here I am again, focusing on something I loathe. Maybe like me, you couldn't get too far from it if you wanted to, or maybe you just don't want to. For those who are Christians, this election season brings a very interesting situation: The very real possibility that we will have to choose between the suspect spirituality of President Barack Obama or Former Massechussettes Governor Mitt Romney, who is Mormon.

There will be some Christians, and I have heard from them during the last Republican primary, that say it's better to have someone who at least believes in family values in the White House than the current President. I will say to you right now that you are fooling yourself. Mitt Romney is a Mormon, and as such he is just as much on his way to hell as anyone else who does not believe in Jesus Christ alone as Savior. Deal with it.

Now, if you want to vote for Romney for other reasons (you like his economic policy, healthcare initiative, etc), then go right ahead. This blog will never tell you who to vote for. However, I will without remorse tell you not to vote for him because you think he has Christian values. You, dear brother and sister, will be looking at him from across the gulf when Christ returns, and that is unfortunate.